Reclaim your dignity, freedom and joy

Join the journey of transforming anger into harmony with boundless mom

About the book

Endless tales about parenting flood bookshelves, all chanting the same tune: Moms, no questions asked, should dive headfirst into motherhood. But instead of pure bliss, it often leads to an identity crisis and a rollercoaster of unsatisfying moments.

Enter Boundless Mom, your ticket to a life-altering adventure to reclaim your spark, freedom, and joy. Let it guide you back to your authentic self and welcome a life brimming with balance and happiness.

Boundless Mom book cover
The "Boundless Mom" book by Petra Novaković
Shift the flow from resistance into acceptance
Replace blame with responsibility
Raise your self-awareness and start navigating it
Understand your anger
Re-claim your identity
Learn to self-care and build better relationships with strong boundaries

My promise

This book is a testament of my personal journey in discovery of tools to find myself again. I hope you will find is as helpful as I did just without the need to spend countless hours on the discovery phase.

So here’s my promise to you on what you will get from this book:

About the author

For as long as I can remember, I was told a story of how life should be. As many others, I followed the rules. Yet, more often than not, satisfaction and happiness seemed elusive. Just when I thought it’s within my reach, happiness would slip through my fingers.

I wanted to figure out why everything seemed so confusing and upside down. I learned how to shed imposed opinions and rules and decided to hand-pick the ones that are right for me. Then I was finally able to experience tranquility and release anxiety.

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Petra at the Ultra Europe Music Feastival 2024 in Split, Croatia
Me at the Ultra Europe Music Feastival 2024 in Split, Croatia
(from private album)
Boundless Mom book cover

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CHF 19.00

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